Saturday, December 31, 2011

August 2011

Moss Park Forest Run 10k/5k Distance Dare Friday August 5 Orlando Fl

Another of the best laid plans for an event that did not work out the way I wanted. I thought this would be a change of pace event to do where you can run a 10k and then do the "Distance Dare" of running a 5k after it. Thought I was prepared for it, but I guess I was wrong. The event is held in Orlando's Moss Park which is good distance off of 1-4, but no far off of the expressway. The event is held over two days with Friday night and Saturday morning both having the 10k and 5k races. You can run just one of the races or do the Distance Dare of both. My son and I attended the Friday night one.

We arrived at the park about an hour before the 10k started at 7pm. Packet pickup was easy. they gave me a wrist band to wear to designate that I was doing both. My son was doing just the 5k which did not start until 8:15pm. I ate a powerbar and then went out for a warm-up run. Came back in and pinned my bib on my shorts. That way I could change shirts without having to change the bib. Actually liked having it pinned to my shorts instead of my shirt so started doing this in most of my races after this. Able to use my shirt for sweat without worrying about the bib.

We went to the staring line for the 10k and were given instructions for the 10k and Distance Dare. Off we went with a short loop before going through the finish line area and out on the main course. I guess to add the extra 1/10. You follow along a paved path for parking along Lake Mary Jane before heading across the road through another parking lot. Then you make your way on either paved roads, dirt trails, or hard packed shell roads as you make your way through the trees, forest, besides the campground, and open areas. All this as you wind through the park and make your way back to the finish line. This being the 10k you make two loops of this main course. Knowing I would need water since it a 10k I had planned to try and not have to grab the water cups, but had my son planned at the end of the first loop to have a water bottle for me to squeeze. Problem was I could not get the top opened (thought he would have done this) and used a good amount of energy trying to do this. So it threw my running off and tired me out more than helped.

I had passed the halfway mark right on pace of 8 minutes with a time of 24:50, but fell off after my water bottle problem. Went back onto the main course trying to get back into a rhythm which I was able to start a little. Mind started to think about the next water station and where it was. As we approached a slowed to a walk to get two cups to make up for not getting much before. It helped, but never was able to get my pace back down closer to 8. Ran second half in about a 9 minute pace. Had a guy running in front of me the last mile that looked about my age so I try pulling up to him. As we came out of the trees to the finish line I tried to pull up on his blind side to pass. I got about a step in front of him, but he passed me back with about 3 steps to go. Finished in 52:48 which I was not to happy with.

Went to my car to change my shirt, towel off, and get some liquids in me before the 5k. As I sat and tried to rest I could feel my body shutting down. I got up to try and walk it out which seemed to help. As my son and I made our way to the 5k I stated to him to run his own race and not wait on me. The plan was for us to run together, but I did not feel my body was going to keep up. As we lined up for the 5k I took the last portion of the water bottle and poured it over my head to help cool me down.

Off we went and for me it was not very fast. We went through the finish line and started out to the main course when I noticed my son running back to me. He stated he forgot to put on his bib which I did not even notice. So I had to stop to untie the key from my shorts (I tie them on my short drawstrings) and hand them to him. After he got his bib 9 I told to just hold it instead of wasting time to pin it) he caught back up to me and I had to stop again to tie the key back. By then we were about at the mile mark and I noticed I had ran (?) a  first mile of almost 11 minutes and the feeling was not getting any better. As I made my way through the course you had to really concentrate since it was so dark. My son and I had light sticks on our shoes and there were some light sticks on the course, but not much else to light the way. Some parts you cannot barely see. I will say it was mentioned thou it would be dark. The rest of the 5k did not get any better for me as my body kept wanting my to quit, I pressed on to at least finish the race which I did in a embarrassing time of 34:29. Worse race ever and will be a shining reminder to be better prepared for any race or event I enter.

Finished 2nd in my age group for the 10k and 4th in the 5k. Got a Plaque for the 10k. They give out awards for the top 10 in the Distance Dare, but I was about 6 minutes out of that, but the pace I had planned would have put me in 8th or 9th. All in all a pretty good event put on by Epic Sports. Mile markers and water on the course. Would have like more light thou. Also cost extra for the shirt if you are not one of the first so many. They also do this in December and in 2012 they will do it over 3 days with awards given for those that do it over multiple days. Would like to do again to make up for my awful times, but have to see how the schedule goes.

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